Iram International

Transportation & Custom Clearance & Storage Services

Transportation Services

IRAM International provides transportation and delivery services to and from all lands of the Republic of Yemen. It also provides international transportation and delivery services from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and the Sultanate of Oman to Yemen.


Custom Clearance Services

  • Clearance services at all land, sea and air customs ports of the Republic of Yemen.
  • Customs exemption services.
  • Container and cargo clearance services.
  • Services of clearing and unloading ships.

Warehousing services

  • Services of providing and renting regular warehouses.
  • Services of providing and renting refrigerated warehouses.

The most prominent transportation services.

  • Transportation and distribution of foodstuffs.
  • Transporting relief and humanitarian aid.
  • Transportation of medicines and medical equipment.
  • Transporting fodder, materials and veterinary medicines.
  • Transport and distribution of fuel.
  • Refrigerant transportation and distribution.
  • Transportation and distribution of chemicals and medicines.
  • Transportation of light and heavy equipment and machinery.
  • The ability to transport and distribute all goods and products.