Agriculture & Livestock & Veterinary & Sterilization & Fumigation Services 


Agricultural Services 

  • Executing agricultural development projects.
  • Hybrid seeds.
  • Improved seeds.
  • Greenhouses and their annexes.
  • Irrigation and distillation systems.
  • Manual farming equipment.
  • Tillage machines – harvesters and agricultural machines.
  • Gardening tools and supplies.
  • Reclamation of agricultural lands and creation of green spaces.
  • Providing modern inputs in agricultural production.
  • Agricultural products packaging requirements.
  • Agricultural Consulting.
  • Marketing agricultural products.
  • Bees and their supplies.

Livestock and Veterinary Services 

  1. Live animals (Cows – calves – Sheep – Goats – Poultry).
  2. Feed (Concentrated feed – Granulated feed – green and dry feed – feed blocks – mineral blocks).
  3. Raw materials and feed additives(corn – soy – bran – concentrates – molasses – Urea – vegetable – oils –  anti – fungals – permixes – dicalcium – acids – vitamins).
  4. veterinary medicines and vaccine( for large animals – poultry veterinary bags – all the needs of the veterinary pharmacy).

5. equipment(animal husbandry – production  equipment – milking tools – poultry equipment – bee equipment – packing packaging supplies for animal products).

6. building and construction barns(providing and renting animal breeding and production barns – providing and renting fodder stores – providing transportation for animals).

7. immunization procedure for animals(veterinary examination and analysis).

8. Veterinary consultations(A specialized veterinary staff meets all veterinary needs and veterinary advices).


Sterilization and Fumigation Services 

  • Sterilization and fumigation of foodstuffs and stores.
  • Pest and insect control.
  • Foggy spray.
  • Supply of sterilizers and disinfectants.
  • Supplying sterilization and disinfection tools and supplies.
  • Supplying all kinds of locally authorized pesticides.